Sorry I haven't posted anything in a week or two but I have just been real busy. In another week and a half we will FINALLY have high-speed
Internet at the house which will make it much easier to get on her. Everybody keeps asking about new pictures of the house since we did the work and I have them. I just have to get them off my computer and upload them. So, I will try and have them posted before the end of the week. Anyways........we are doing good. Shannon started a new job last week and so far it is going real well. It is going to have a more regular paycheck than the last place which is much better. The last place he was getting paid by the load which left so many different factors that would come into play when deciding how much his check would be. This place is by the hour and he works pretty close to the same hours every week which makes budgeting easier. Plus, my favorite part is he has to be there the same time everyday. I am a person who likes routines and schedules so that works better for me. I
literally have a daily schedule posted on the fridge showing what time I get in the shower, what time I eat breakfast, everything. I think that is the easiest way to make sure you don't miss doing anything important. Also, I am not a morning person, so I need
something to help me not to have to think for a while when I first get up. Maybe it sounds silly but it works for me!