Monday, November 19, 2007

Almost Time!

Well, we are scheduled to close on our new house in a week from tomorrow. We can hardly wait! We are going to do a few things to it before we move in, but nothing too major! We are going to my dad's and then his mom's for Thanksgiving and I can get my Christmas decorations out of storage while we are there. I love Christmas time! As soon as we move in the first thing I am going to do is cook something in my new kitchen and the second thing I am going to do is put up my Christmas decorations!! I usually decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving so this will throw off my tradition a little, having to wait. Everybody be praying that the next couple of weeks go real smooth with no bumps please!

Monday, November 12, 2007


We had a pretty good weekend, nothing too exciting. Saturday I went with a friend of mine "window shopping", getting prices on stuff for the house. Shannon went over to his friends, who just bought a new house to check it out. We had a movie that night that Shannon didn't even stay awake through the previews but he said it was good! ;-) We got up and went to Sunday School (or Life Group is what they call it) and church. We really like our Life Group. It is married couples under like 35. It is fun and we aply what we discuss to life. After church we went home and ate lunch and I cleaned house while Shannon mowed the yard and did laundry and bathed the dog. That is about it. Nothing too exciting but this is our typical weekend and we kind of like it! Oh, and for an update on the house, we are set to close on it November 27th!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Another week!

Well, I am loving this time change. Of course, I woke up at 4, 5, and finally got up at 6 and then kept feeling like I was late for work when it was already daylight out but it was great to sleep a little late. We didn't do anything exciting this weekend. We were both off on Saturday by 2 and I did bills while Shannon picked up the house. He went to a boxing match Saturday night with a guy from work and I was going to go do something but fell asleep around 9. Sunday we went to sunday school and church and grabbed lunch and went home and were pretty lazy all day. We played Family Fued on the computer and after I beat Shannon pretty bad three times he didn't want to play anymore! That is usualy what we try to do, we try and do all we need to on Saturday so we can do very little on Sunday. We work a lot of hours and it is nice to just hang out and relax one day.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Princess Madison!

Madison decided to be a princess this year. She is the one on the, right for those of you who don't already know. The other girl is my cousin's little girl who is just a couple of months age difference. They play real well together and had a lot of fun!

Spiderman Little!

Here is Mason in his Halloween outfit. He decided to be Spiderman too but he isn't so crazy about pictures so he didn't strike much of a pose or anything, but still looks just great!