Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We got a little snow last night!

Monday, October 27, 2008

We are still alive!

I haven't made any posts in a while but we have just had a really busy summer. Hopefully one of these days things will slow down but then we will probably complain we are bored. This past weekend my sisters three kids were here, Madison (8), Mason (6), Zoe (6 mo). They were fun but exhausting! I had some problems with my camera and finally got it to work right before they left so I only got a couple of pictures of Zoe and none of the other two. I really wanted some pictures of them all together. But regardless I will post the one of Zoe soon and try to get some of all three of them soon. Right now my project is sewing a dress from the 1950's. Where I work we are dressing up from the 50's for Halloween. I am making mine and so far it has been a lot harder than I thought it would be but hopefully I will finish it in time. Well, gotta run. I'll post more later!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Diamond's new friend!

Shannon got a donkey and she is Diamonds new friend. So far, they just sniff each other a lot. We will keep everyone updated as their friendship evovles!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Inks Lake!

This weekend Shannon, Nate (my little brother) and I went to Inks Lake State Park camping for Shannon's birthday. We had such a great time. I used to go camping a lot as a kid but Nate and Shannon haven't had much camping experience. Inks Lake is right outside of Burnet and about 45 minutes from our house. We headed over there on Friday after work. We got camp set-up pretty quick. There was a lot of moaning and groaning when setting up tent but once we got it set-up we went swimming and things just improved from there. We rented a canoe on Saturday and roamed around the lake some and then went swimming some more. There was a big rock that we jumped off of and hung around. We did some exploring too and really had a good time. When it got close to dark we cooked some burgers and played cards. Sunday we got up and ate breakfast and packed up. Then we decided to swim some more before heading home. So we swam for a couple of hours before heading back. We had such a great time!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday Night Tradition!

We have a new tradition that Sunday night is Fajita Night! We cook on the grill and make all the fixings (including homemade salsa) and it is so great. It is our favorite time of the week. Here is a shot of all the good stuff we have! Mmmm!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My new niece!

Welcome to Zoe Danielle Rives! She took her time getting here at first but when she decided it was time to come she came fast. Rachael started having contractions around 8:30 this morning, headed for the hosptial around 10 when then got worse, arrived at the hospital around 10:30 and out came Zoe 15 minutes later. She didn't wait for her dad, her grandma or anybody else to get there. She didn't even wait for her doctor, a different doctor had to catch her when she came out. My sister was tiny with this pregnancy but Zoe came out weighing 8.2 which is pretty good sized I think. She is just the cutiest little thing! Congrats to my little sister!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Little by little!!

We are working away around the place here doing little things to make it nicer. Since the weather has been so nice, most of the work we have been doing lately has been out doors. Here we took the area around the flag pole and removed all the old weeds and stuff and planted a few small plants and put down some rock. It looks pretty nice I think, I just hope the plants do okay, the wind blows pretty hard through that area.