Friday, April 11, 2008

Uniques Babies!

Some of you already know that I have started a new venture. I am starting a small company that will be internet based selling baby stuff I make. I love making baby stuff and it doesn't take long or cost much. This is not going to be anything big and I am going pretty slow but maybe in a couple of years it could be something steady. Right now I am just trying to figure out what I can make and how much it will cost to make it and all that good stuff. Hopefully in the next six months I will have an idea of what all I want to offer, prices and can build a web page. I am just taking things slow right now. The picture above is the diaper cake I made for my sister and it came out better than I thought it would. I need to try shipping one and see how it holds up and then I can decide if that will be one of things I try and offer. I don't have a lot of free time but it is something I enjoy. Of course, lately all my free time has been outside because the weather has been so great here and I have all my plants going and stuff!

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